It was an honor to be invited back to my Alma Mater, Ohio University, to deliver the Winter lecture in the McCracken Lecture Series of the College of Education at Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. 46 years ago, I graduated with a BS degree in History Education, and proudly went on to teach for three years at Medina Jr. High School in the Columbus Ohio School District. Three years later, I changed careers to commercial television.
Teaching was a pleasure, even with 8th graders, but television was a stronger pull, calling loudly to me; I took a big pay cut and with the support of my pregnant wife, started on the ground floor of TV, ready, willing and anxious to work my way up -- which I did.
I had no idea that this story would be of interest to the College of Education, but the Dean, Renee Middleton, was interested in having students and faculty hear it because many former students have a similar story -- changing careers successfully.
Joan and I were well-received at the Lecture and well-taken care of by the Director of Development, Kaylin Kopcho. We were impressed by the professionalism of the staff there and the plans for the College.
My undergraduate years at Ohio University were a pivotal time for me, and as I looked at the young, fresh faces walking across the Green and riding the escalator at the Baker Student Center, I was refreshed and heartened that these students were in good hands and that there was hope for the future of this country. 

Preparing Talented, Responsible, Ethical Educators
~~ Ohio University College of Education
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