As an aside, the President has once again demonstrated his out-of-touch-elitist nature. The first time was during the campaign when he sympathized with the people of Iowa over the high price of groceries -- especially, Arugula. Arugula? This week, he once again proved he was out-of-touch-elitist when he criticized Scott Brown for campaigning in his old pick-up truck:
"Forget Scott Brown's truck," the President told a rally for Senatorial hopeful, Martha Coakley. "Anybody can buy a truck."
In Scott Brown's acceptance speech, he responded to President Obama's comment, capturing the populist sentiment and the average person's love affair with trucks when Mr. Brown said from his victory podium: "I didn't mind when the President came here and criticized me and talked about some of the things that he disagreed with me on. But let me tell you, when he started to criticize my truck, that's where I draw the line!" Big laugh and hoots from the audience. ~

It now appears that the President is going to start thumping on employment. He has already visited Allentown, PA., and today was in Elyria, Ohio, touring a factory that has laid off 33 employees; after the tour, he went for lunch at a local diner -- Smitty's Bar -- and had a Hamburger, probably because they didn't have Arugula there. But do these trips to towns on hard times add to the President's understanding of what it takes to create jobs? I worry that the answer is "NO."
This chart shows part of what may be the problem with the Obama Administration's understanding of job creation. His team has the least experience of any administration -- less than 10% -- of working in the Private Sector. It is the lowest percentage of experience for any administration in the last 109 years! They only know how to create Government Jobs!! These are jobs that are only good until the taxpayers money or the current appropriation runs out -- Government jobs!
If this crowd really wants to create jobs, they need to do it the old fashioned way -- cut taxes, so that entrepreneurs are encouraged to start a business and existing businesses are encouraged to make the expansion they had planned.
I fear, however, that instead, there will be more photo-ops where the President uses unsuspecting Americans as photo-props, says a few meaningless, empty words and then they go on doing what they know how to do -- create even more Government Programs and entitlements, while creating a hostile business climate, making Banks, Drug Companies, Insurance Companies, Oil Companies, Investment Companies, Media Companies, and Retail Companies enemies of the public and the object of Administration hyperbole.
Watch Wall Street slide while this happens and watch your retirement fund dwindle. These people are inexperienced amateurs at running a business, a government, or an economy, George Bush can no longer be blamed. This is the Obama Administration -- unelected Czars, income-tax-challenged, Chicago-cronies, etc. -- perhaps good people, but, in my opinion, out of their element.
There's none so blind as those who will not see. There's none so deaf as those who will not hear. ~~ Proverb
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