Thanks to CBS News, here is a list of the names of the people who attended the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen. It cost you and me Dear Reader, 1.1 Million Dollars; some Congress sitters spent $2,200 a day! These people have no idea that we are in a recession or they would not have gone -- RIIIIGHT.
This list does not include the more than 60 people who accompanied President Obama; how much more did that cost? Despite the dulcet tones that we will hear on Wednesday evening as the President delivers the State of the Union Address, his words will all ring hollow in view of the behaviour of these people and the money they are wasting.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi Pelosi's husband Majority Leader Steny Hoyer Rep. George Miller Rep. Henry Waxman Rep. Ed Markey Markey’s wife Rep. Charles Rangel Rep. Bart Gordon Rep. James Sensenbrenner Sensenbrenner's wife Rep. Sander Levin Rep. Joe Barton Barton daughter Rep. Fred Upton Rep. Earl Blumenauer Rep. Diana DeGette Rep. Jay Inslee Inslee's wife Rep. Shelley Moore Capito Rep. Moore Capito husband Rep. John Sullivan Rep. Tim Ryan Rep. GK Butterfield Rep. Emanuel Cleaver Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Gifford's husband Rep. Marsha Blackburn President Obama Sen. James Inhofe Sen. John Kerry.
Stacee Bako Don Kellaher Wilson Livingood Brian Monahan John Lawrence Karen Wayland Drew Hammill Kate Knudson Bridget Fallon Bina Surgeon Mary Frences Repko Nona Darrell Tony Jackson Josh Mathis Phil Barnett David Cavicke Lisa Miller Peter Spencer Andrea Spring Lorie Schmitt Greg Dotson Alex Barron Christopher King Shimere Williams Tara Rothschild Margaret Caravelli Gerry Waldron Ana Unruh-Cohen Jeff Duncan Eben Burnham-Snyder Joel Beauvais Michael Goo Tom Schreibel Harlan Watson Bart Forsyth Ed Rice Steve Rusnak Carey Lane Matt Dempsey Dempsey wife George Sugyama Tom Hassenbohler.
31 additional unnamed Senate staff State Dept.
Special Envoy Todd Stern Secretary Hillary Clinton Pershing Deputy U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change Maria Otero, Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs Ambassador Alejandro Wolff, Deputy Permanent Rep. United States Mission to the U.N. Daniel Reifsnyder, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment Lilburn Trigg Talley, Director of the office of Global Change Sue Biniaz, Deputy Legal Adviser William Breed, Director of Climate Change Programs USAID. Energy Dept: Steven Chu, Energy Secretary Jean Chu, Spouse of the Energy Secretary Rod O'Connor, Chief of Staff Amy Bodette, Special Assistant to the Secretary David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs Rick Duke, Dep. Assistant Sec. for Policy and International Affairs Holmes Hummel, Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs Elmer Holt, Economist in the Office of Policy and International Affairs Matt Kallman, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs Dan Leistikow, Director of Public Affairs Devin Hampton, Lead Advance Representative Interior Dept: Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar Deputy Secretary David Hayes Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Tom Strickland Science Advisor Kit Batten Senior Advisor of Global Change at USGS Tom Armstrong USGS Director Marcia McNutt Deputy Communications Director Matt Lee-Ashley Jack Lynch (Security) Dave Graham (Security) Mike Downs (Security) Director of Advance Tim Hartz EPA: Security Officer # 1 Security, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Marcus McClendon Director of Advance, Office of the Administrator Security Officer # 2 Security, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Jennifer Jenkins Physical Scientist, Climate Change Division, Office of Air and Radiation COP 15 Negotiator Shalini Vajjhala Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of International Affairs COP-15 Negotiator Maurice LeFranc Senior Advisor, International Climate Change, Office of Air and Radiation COP-15 Negotiator Kimberly Todd Klunich Technical Expert, Climate Change Division, Office of Air and Radiation COP-15 Negotiator Leif Hockstad Environmental Engineer, Climate Change Division, Office of Air and Radiation COP-15 Negotiator Seth Oster Associate Administrator, Office of Public Affairs David McIntosh Associate Administrator, Office of Rep.ressional and Intergovernmental Relations Michelle DePass Assistant Administrator, Office of International Affairs Security Officer # 3 Security, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Lisa Jackson Administrator, EPA Gina McCarthy Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation White House Executive Office staff: From the Office of Energy and Climate Change: Heather Zichal Tony Russell Jake Levine Joe Aldy From the Office of Science and Technology Policy: John Holdren Steve Fetter Shere Abbott From the Council on Environmental Quality: Nancy Sutley Amy Salzman Jess Maher National Security Council: Mike Froman Ed Fendley Communications: Ben LaBolt.
"Laissez les bons temps rouler?"
We should call for an end to this kind of extravagance and waste.
In times like this, shouldn't our government be trying to save money?
Personally, I want my money back.
This list does not include the more than 60 people who accompanied President Obama; how much more did that cost? Despite the dulcet tones that we will hear on Wednesday evening as the President delivers the State of the Union Address, his words will all ring hollow in view of the behaviour of these people and the money they are wasting.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi Pelosi's husband Majority Leader Steny Hoyer Rep. George Miller Rep. Henry Waxman Rep. Ed Markey Markey’s wife Rep. Charles Rangel Rep. Bart Gordon Rep. James Sensenbrenner Sensenbrenner's wife Rep. Sander Levin Rep. Joe Barton Barton daughter Rep. Fred Upton Rep. Earl Blumenauer Rep. Diana DeGette Rep. Jay Inslee Inslee's wife Rep. Shelley Moore Capito Rep. Moore Capito husband Rep. John Sullivan Rep. Tim Ryan Rep. GK Butterfield Rep. Emanuel Cleaver Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Gifford's husband Rep. Marsha Blackburn President Obama Sen. James Inhofe Sen. John Kerry.
Stacee Bako Don Kellaher Wilson Livingood Brian Monahan John Lawrence Karen Wayland Drew Hammill Kate Knudson Bridget Fallon Bina Surgeon Mary Frences Repko Nona Darrell Tony Jackson Josh Mathis Phil Barnett David Cavicke Lisa Miller Peter Spencer Andrea Spring Lorie Schmitt Greg Dotson Alex Barron Christopher King Shimere Williams Tara Rothschild Margaret Caravelli Gerry Waldron Ana Unruh-Cohen Jeff Duncan Eben Burnham-Snyder Joel Beauvais Michael Goo Tom Schreibel Harlan Watson Bart Forsyth Ed Rice Steve Rusnak Carey Lane Matt Dempsey Dempsey wife George Sugyama Tom Hassenbohler.
31 additional unnamed Senate staff State Dept.
Special Envoy Todd Stern Secretary Hillary Clinton Pershing Deputy U.S. Special Envoy for Climate Change Maria Otero, Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs Ambassador Alejandro Wolff, Deputy Permanent Rep. United States Mission to the U.N. Daniel Reifsnyder, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment Lilburn Trigg Talley, Director of the office of Global Change Sue Biniaz, Deputy Legal Adviser William Breed, Director of Climate Change Programs USAID. Energy Dept: Steven Chu, Energy Secretary Jean Chu, Spouse of the Energy Secretary Rod O'Connor, Chief of Staff Amy Bodette, Special Assistant to the Secretary David Sandalow, Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs Rick Duke, Dep. Assistant Sec. for Policy and International Affairs Holmes Hummel, Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs Elmer Holt, Economist in the Office of Policy and International Affairs Matt Kallman, Special Assistant to the Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs Dan Leistikow, Director of Public Affairs Devin Hampton, Lead Advance Representative Interior Dept: Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar Deputy Secretary David Hayes Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks Tom Strickland Science Advisor Kit Batten Senior Advisor of Global Change at USGS Tom Armstrong USGS Director Marcia McNutt Deputy Communications Director Matt Lee-Ashley Jack Lynch (Security) Dave Graham (Security) Mike Downs (Security) Director of Advance Tim Hartz EPA: Security Officer # 1 Security, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Marcus McClendon Director of Advance, Office of the Administrator Security Officer # 2 Security, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Jennifer Jenkins Physical Scientist, Climate Change Division, Office of Air and Radiation COP 15 Negotiator Shalini Vajjhala Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of International Affairs COP-15 Negotiator Maurice LeFranc Senior Advisor, International Climate Change, Office of Air and Radiation COP-15 Negotiator Kimberly Todd Klunich Technical Expert, Climate Change Division, Office of Air and Radiation COP-15 Negotiator Leif Hockstad Environmental Engineer, Climate Change Division, Office of Air and Radiation COP-15 Negotiator Seth Oster Associate Administrator, Office of Public Affairs David McIntosh Associate Administrator, Office of Rep.ressional and Intergovernmental Relations Michelle DePass Assistant Administrator, Office of International Affairs Security Officer # 3 Security, Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Lisa Jackson Administrator, EPA Gina McCarthy Assistant Administrator, Office of Air and Radiation White House Executive Office staff: From the Office of Energy and Climate Change: Heather Zichal Tony Russell Jake Levine Joe Aldy From the Office of Science and Technology Policy: John Holdren Steve Fetter Shere Abbott From the Council on Environmental Quality: Nancy Sutley Amy Salzman Jess Maher National Security Council: Mike Froman Ed Fendley Communications: Ben LaBolt.
"Laissez les bons temps rouler?"
We should call for an end to this kind of extravagance and waste.
In times like this, shouldn't our government be trying to save money?
Personally, I want my money back.
"Action expresses priorities.”
~~ Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Philosopher, 1869 - 1948
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