“Keep in mind: Jobs were my number-one priority last year.” Really. REALLY!
So, if Jobs are so important to the President, why is it that yesterday, President Obama showed up at a Robert Gibbs Press Conference WITHOUT his telepromter (TOTUS), to promote Health Care? This is the first time since July, 2009, that he has taken questions from the Press and it is on the subject of HEALTH CARE!
To review, here is the Pew Survey of the American Public's Priorities:

Note where Jobs rank (2nd) versus where Health Care ranks (8th). Also, note where Global Warming ranks (Last, 22nd).
Despite one whole year of trying to pass a health care reform bill, that a majority of Americans did not want, the President could not get it passed, even with a vast majority in the House and the Senate. His own party could not vote for the various iterations, despite the political payoffs of monumental proportions; his own party, the Democrats, would not pass any of the Health care proposals.
Yet, in face of having a nuclear subject on his hands, so hot with anger and rejection that it is glowing green, President Obama is going back to Health Care.
Matters of confidence are getting so fractured about the Obama Presidency that I want him to succeed at something like JOBS for the health of the nation, and so, I side with Democrat Douglas Wilder, the first African-American elected Governor (Virginia, 1990) who recommends that Obama get rid of the Chicago cronies that campaigned hard to get him elected, and replace them with experienced persons who can help him GOVERN. He and his advisors need to hear the American people, instead of their own contributors, supporters, idealogues, and Chicago Cronies.
On another related matter, despite the growing body of reports showing that Global Warming "scientific" evidence has been manipulated to prove a controversial but lucrative point, the White House yesterday wanted to officially open a Climate Change Agency, as part of the NOAA Agency, a part of the Department of Commerce -- read more bureaucrats -- but had to delay the official announcement due to a new Blizzard in Washington, DC.
~ As an aside, I believe that the American Presidency is so complicated today that only a person with experience as a Governor of a state, should be considered as an experienced candidate for the office. Otherwise, you have amateurs running a huge operation for the first time ~
~ Billboard erected by Small Businessmen near Wyoming, Minnesota, who wish to remain anonymous ~
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