Structurally, each Chapter will represent a ten year passage of time. In Chapter One, our hero was 8; in Chapter two, he is 18; in Chapter 3, he is 28, etc. I do not envision this book going much beyond a Chapter 5. Each Chapter has a different drama at play, with all them them being tied up together and resolved in the final Chapter.
And then, there will be the Epilogue. I first became aware of Epilogues while watching "Alfred Hitchcock Presents," which for some of my younger readers may not be a familiar name. It was a black and white TV series that premiered in 1955, 30 minutes long, and it presented "playlets" of suspense, mystery and sometimes horror.

In his television series, he would introduce each episode -- sometimes in costume, like a Pith Helmet which would have something to do with the plot -- and also appear at the end, in an Epilogue, speaking directly to the audience, tying up any loose ends. The Internet TV site, HULU, has the first Hitchcock Episode at
This book, my third, will end with an Epilogue like the others, thanks to Alfred Hitchcock. Oh, and for the musically curious, the Hitchcock theme music is "The Funeral March of The Marionette" by Charles Gounod.
“I never said all actors are cattle; what I said was all actors should be treated like cattle.” ~~ Alfred Hitchcock
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