Sunday, October 4, 2009

President Obama's Priorities. What are they?

After writing yesterday's blog article on Management by Objectives, I wondered what President Obama's Objectives are? What is the shorthand list in his billfold? What priority is given those objectives? Is it ...

  1. Health Care Reform
  2. The Afghanistan War
  3. The Economy
  4. Energy -- Current and Future
  5. Homeland Security
  6. Immigration Reform

If your order or your objectives are different, Mr. President, go ahead shuffle my list around.

Whatever the President's Priorities are regarding the major issues that he is spending his time on, shouldn't we -- the American People, the populace, the voting public, the tax-paying public, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, the multi-cultural employers of all politicians in Washington DC -- shouldn't we know what the President's Priorities are and in what order? Which one is most important? What is the next priority. The next one?

I don't want a speech. Please show me that President Obama is more than a gifted speech maker; besides, I've seen that.

I don't want generic statements that don't answer anything; I've heard enough of them from the Administration.

I don't want yet another appearance by the President on shows featuring NBC, CBS, and ABC anchors or late night hosts. I've seen that.

I don't want another Prime Time Press Conference/Joint Session of Congress appearance by the President. I've seen that.

I don't want to watch Robert Gibbs mesmerizing the White House Press Corps by massaging the answer from President Obama. I've seen that.

I don't want another Town Hall meeting arranged with school children/Firemen/Veterans/auto workers/immigrants/unemployed. I've seen that.

What do I want?

Give me the list of your priorities, Mr. President, printed in the newspapers -- not on the Internet -- officially from the President of the United States. Issue a Press Release that newspapers can print as is, with the same message and the same words on it, paper-to-paper, city-to-city, the same Press Release -- no chance for misstatements, no misunderstandings, no misinterpretation, no context, just a list. A one Page Press release -- ONE PAGE -- "The Priorities of the President of the United States." #1 is the most important; #2 next important, etc. It can be done in one page -- ONE PAGE. Sign it!

I pay my taxes. I always have. I deserve an answer; I want my answer. Show me and all Americans the list of your priorities, Mr. President.

Ronald D. Giles


  1. Whatever his priorities are, he needs to realize that the Republicans will be fighting and slandering him every step of the way.

  2. Ron,

    Of course, "Anonymous" was, undoubtedly, busy throwing bombs at the Bush Administration, probably under the same name. That is, after all, how "Anonymous" works.

    As to Obama's lack of defined direction, I doubt you'll ever witness a sea change. Its too easy to throw platitudes, and bouquets; making the faithful even more starry eyed.

    As I drove the freeways of California this past weekend, passing neighborhood after neighborhood of privately owned homes, I again asked myself what, exactly, "Change You Can Believe in," really means. I fear it will result in a major societal shift that, I suspect, will have even "Anonymous" and his pals squawking.

    Just one man's opinion,

    John Mullin
    Westlake Village, CA
