Food for me has long been associated with pleasure. The subtle taste of a sea scallop, the brilliant dash of a lemon, the acidic sweetness of a ripe tomato -- I love them all. Many times, chefs feel the need to add a sauce but sometimes it covers the taste of the main ingredient. I'll take my sauce on the side, please.
Yesterday, I watched my Grand Daughters playing. Their electronic games were at home, the colorful puzzles were nowhere to be found. Instead they found hilarity and happiness in a simple hill, or building forts out of square jelly containers in a restaurant, or drawing thier interpretation of family members.
How complicated we build our adult lives -- because we can. Travel, here, meet there, worry about the appearence, not the fact. Most of the time, I would rather have those complications ... on the side ... and pass the jelly, please.
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
1 week ago
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