Friday, August 9, 2013

Writing "Locusts and Wild Honey" Part III

I have never met Shannon Hall Walker face-to-face but we have had an active phone relationship for fourteen years. (We also share the same birthday, albeit in different years.)  I first spoke with her in 1999 when Joan and I were traveling to Vancouver, British Columbia for the annual Hymn Society Conference; Shannon, along with Janice, own the travel agency that handles Hymn Society travel.  Her laugh, knowledge and easy manner connected with me and I have called Shannon ever since when we travel.  We have shared poetry, photographs, jokes--and she is one of my secret readers, giving me her opinion as I work my way through authoring a new book. We have not met face-to-face--but we know each other.
Antahkarana:  Healing Symbol
Shannon is a spiritual person and someone with paranormal sensitivities, who, within the past three-plus years has been working with spirit to further develop her abilities.  Still operating her travel agency, she also conducts private sessions as a Medium, interacting with souls who have passed on.   Recently, after seventeen months of study, Shannon became a Master Teacher of Reiki; a Japanese life force energy healing practice.
After my discussion with Reverend Osborne, I called Shannon to see what she thought about my writing a book with Satan in human form as the main character.  She was alarmed at what I told her and concerned for my safety.
Shannon was concerned that in my inexperience with the ways of Lucifer, my research-orientated concentration might be construed by the Fallen Angel as giving in to the ways of evil and acceding to entry -- even quite possibly permitting possession without my knowledge.  Perhaps, unbeknownst to me, evil might find a portal through my story to infect others.  A three page handwritten letter from her Spirit Guide attested to the seriousness of my quest.
Finally, I told my wife, Joan, that in my new book, I wanted to explore evil and use a human personification of the Devil.  I did not share with her Shannon's reaction, nor Ralph's. Although Joan is very rational about matters, her reaction to the central idea of my book was very quick -- visceral. "If you write that story, do not write any of it here and do not bring it into the house -- not on your laptop, a flash drive or a card. I don't want it in here where our children and grandchildren come." Hmmmm.
With all this valuable advice from people that I respected and admired all saying pretty much the same thing -- "don't do this," I started to re-think the whole project.
(To be continued.)

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