In the agony of re-reading my words for the umpteenth time, I kept questioning this word or that punctuation or that phrase. But finally after two weeks of inspection and introspection, I sent my comments and requests for changes back to the publisher. And, now, I await the proof copy. Hmmmm.
While writing and re-writing, I would go to one of five restaurants for breakfasts and then to the local Library in the afternoon. Trying to write at home was too distracting -- too many things to take my mind away from trying to cast myself as a Sentinel on lookout from a hilltop, imagining how he would feel in his isolation.
"Your toast, sir. More coffee?" Even the pleasant, young waitresses in this distant setting were not a distraction, a fact that perhaps would disappoint them.
Now, I am home... waiting for the proof copy to arrive... waiting. I want to start the next book. Actually, I have started it; am almost 30 pages in, but the need to move ahead with more
words advancing the story has left me. Waiting...

Although I have used the word "ennui," I think now, I am stuck in it, like being inside the Bermuda Triangle. Hmmmmmmmm. Hmmmm. ZZZZZ.
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