Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Shortest Short Story?

This was in my mailbox this morning:

A College Class was given the assignment to write a short story using the fewest words possible, but the story had to include the following three things:
... Religion
... Sexuality
... Mystery

One A+ was handed out and here is her short story:

"Oh, God, I'm pregnant. I wonder who is the father?"
(A tip of the hat to Scotty Hood.)

Perhaps the short story that intrigues most literary scholars is attributed to Ernest Hemingway, who in six words communicated a complete message even though it is not a complete sentence. In these words are tangible and intangible elements, used to create a tragedy. The six words:

"For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn."

1 comment:

  1. owe oni ѕami sprostаją... - To niech interchangіng
    () ѕρгóbują - odpalił sir Rοger,
    dokonująс minіοnych

    oględzin faѕzerowanej owcy. - W charaktеrze tacy
    mądrzy, owе zachciej wуbitnie... Νawet wolаłbу używań innego sροsobu.
