Her website indicates that she was "born and raised in Greater Arizona. Representative Ann Kirkpatrick’s first words were in Apache, and she has spent her whole life serving her home state - as a mom, as a prosecutor, a teacher, a small business owner, a community leader, a state legislator and now as a Member of Congress."
She is a first term Congresswoman, having been elected in 2008. She has proposed that members of Congress take a 5% pay cut, or about $8,000. Congress has not taken a pay cut since 1933, the height of the Great Depression. Twenty other members of Congress have signed on to support her bill, despite the fact that Congress is considering a pay raise for themselves.
I spend a lot of time in this column railing against the offenses of Congress, but here is an idea from them that I support. If you do also, then I suggest you call your Representative and ask them to get behind Rep. Kirkpatrick's idea.
Currently, Rep. Kirkpatrick already gives 5% of her salary back to help pay off the National Debt.
"It is not fair to ask of others what you are not willing to do yourself." ~~ Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady, 1933-1945
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