My commitment to write a page a day on the third book has fallen by the wayside many days ago. The 13,000 word first chapter needs editing, but I can't resist going on. The second chapter has 1000 words so far, and is a good beginning, I think:
The central character is now 18 and his sister is 16. The sister has confronted him to warn him about how girls flirt with boys. One of the village girls in particular has zeroed in on her brother:
Sister stared me directly in the eyes—“I don’t like her and I don’t like the way you look at her.” Her arms were folded over her chest. She was in her sixteenth season and had an opinion on everything, including which girl I should admire.
Sister,” I answered, “have you never dreamed about having a life with someone in the future? You may see the face of him in your dreams, even though you have never met him. Yet, you are already beginning to feel something for him.”
Sister was looking down at the ground and drawing lines in the dust with her foot.
“Well, I have the same dreams—except now I have met that person. She has a face and a name. Can you imagine how exciting that must be for me? That is what I ask you to understand and feel.”
“Well, I don’t trust her,” Sister persisted, unconvinced. “And neither should you,” she said over her shoulder, as she stomped away, then broke into a run.
Sister was looking down at the ground and drawing lines in the dust with her foot.
“Well, I have the same dreams—except now I have met that person. She has a face and a name. Can you imagine how exciting that must be for me? That is what I ask you to understand and feel.”
“Well, I don’t trust her,” Sister persisted, unconvinced. “And neither should you,” she said over her shoulder, as she stomped away, then broke into a run.
I want to get back to it, but realistically will not be able to pick it up until after the New Year, as the music of the season continues with one more Hymns program and a commitment to our Church's Pageant on Sunday. Then it is get ready for Christmas -- dinner with our Son and his Family on the 22nd, dinner with friends on the 24th, visit Daughter's family on the 25th, etc. All of these are pleasant and anticipated.
Maybe on December 27, I can get back to writing the next scene between our central character and his Father, the Chief, in which the 18 year old asks his father for advice on speaking with women; I'll be checking in with Mrs. Giles, frequently, as I write this one!
I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters.
~ Frank Lloyd Wright (1868-1959)
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