In order from Plato's most desirable to the least desirable, they are:
Aristocracy -- Rule by Philosopher-Kings
Timocracy --- Rule by the honorable and wealthy
Oligarchy ---- Rule by the wealthy
Democracy -- Rule by the people, through hired representatives
Tyranny ----- Harsh and unjust rule by one who has seized power amid turmoil and civil confusion
Each form of government devolves to the one below. Democracy is never far from unhappiness
since a simple majority rules; therefore potentially 49% of all citizens are unhappy at any given moment.
Timocracy --- Rule by the honorable and wealthy
Oligarchy ---- Rule by the wealthy
Democracy -- Rule by the people, through hired representatives
Tyranny ----- Harsh and unjust rule by one who has seized power amid turmoil and civil confusion
Each form of government devolves to the one below. Democracy is never far from unhappiness

"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have".
~~Thomas Jefferson
~~Thomas Jefferson
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