Monday, March 8, 2010

The Consent of the Governed

A January, 2010, Rasmussen poll of US citizens found that 45 % of us believe that randomly selected citizens from the phone book could do a better job of legislation than the current bunch in Congress. One wonders what the percentage would be today, given the accusations or revelations of Rep. Eric Massa (D-NY).

Our Declaration of Independence says that the National Government "derives their just powers from the consent of the governed." (That's you and me, Dear Reader.)

A new Rasmussen poll shows that just 21% of American citizens believe that our current government has that public consent.

How do you feel? Do you give your consent to this group? Are they representing your will the majority of the time?

Rasmussen then went on to survey the Politicians about their estimate of ratings on having the public consent.

61% of the political class believe that they have the consent of the governed! A big disconnect between their estimate of consent and the public's actual consent, would you agree?

Why the disparity? Well, if most of your waking moments are spent talking to those in the bubble around our nation's Capital, you develop that attitude, while on the other side of the Potomac River, the nation is simmering in discontent with the amateurish antics of the political class, their out-of-touch legislative agenda, and the disrespect they have for the American Public.

Vote them out -- all of them.
"Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often and for the same reason." ~~ Mark Twain

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